Wednesday, September 1, 2010

There comes a certain time, where we do want to know what we want to do with our lives. Yea, like since young, we'd go all ambitious and start saying stuff like.. Doctors, Pilots, Presidents ... and many other crazy stuffs. But little did we know then, it was so much more easier said than done. As we grow up, we start to rethink our decisions, how would it affect our lives. You see, to say something is way more easier than to get your hands dirty and do it. Life isn't easy. No one said it would be that way. If life were easy, there's no point in living and accepting everyday life challenges. Don't you think so? Sometimes, we just tend to run away and let this topic slip by. But then, it has its on way to come back and chase after us.

Lately, I have been thinking about what I want to do with my future life after uni. Well, to be successful one day, you ought to look further and deep down into your life :) I have been thinking a lot of crazy stuffs. I can never be a doctor, ( No offence if you're a doctor .. ) I can't stand blood. Literally. Everytime I see blood, it just makes me run to the toilet and start puking or giving me that nausea feeling. Maybe blood from a slight cut will do, but then if BLOOD .. that sort of blood where it purges out from your skin/organ, na-uh that won't do. *runs to the toilet *

I have lined out certain things that I might be interested in. But somehow, I just feel it rather silly and maybe unprofessional. My family, friends and parents are doing all those professional jobs.. and I don't think it'd be right for me to do something not up to their standards. But still, I'll follow my heart and do the stuff that I really wanted to do. :) But until then, my heart and mind are completely blank and I still am indecisive about what I am to do in the future.

I have been watching a lot Michelle Phan's videos. It just made me grew in envy :/ Seeing all those pretty teenage girls going to school with make-up. Michelle's videos are tutorials on beauty, make up and loads of other cool stuff. ( GIRLS! recommended to watch ) Sigh, if only our school allowed make up.. that'd be awesome. But then again, it would be a bad thing. Because instead of seeing students, you'd be seeing clowns :x

Well, I have something to say to a special someone :)

Every once in a while,
We'd meet someone special.
And everytime we look at them,
You'd feel everything seemed perfect,
And nothing could ever destroy your moment.

Little did you know,
At such tender age,
You're fragile heart can't take it.
He let you go,
Because he loves you no more.
You burst into tears,
But I'd stayed with you,
And to tell you,
That I'm always by your side.

He left you there,
broken and shattered.
He wasn't the right one for you my dear,
and what's more,
you deserve better :D

You took a piece of glass,
Sunk it into your flesh,
Blood squirted out,
and you cried out in pain.

Why are you doing this to yourself, my dear?
Was he worth all the cutting you did to yourself?
There's no point doing harm to yourself if he doesn't feel that way,

You are surrounded by love.
From me, your friends and family.
Your daddy won't like it if he sees what you're doing,
he'd feel sad and disappointed that the raindrops start falling.

There are many fishes in the sea.
Just remember to catch the right one :)
He is waiting for you my dear,
the question is,
how long are you willing to wait?



grace ngu said...

iiish mallory you dye my blog's clock green and use it urself tsk tsk tsk HAHA jk we hav twins blog clock! high 5 mallo!!! XD

Mallo :) said...