Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the caterpillar :)

this is dedicated ..
forever and always..

A caterpillar lies in his cocoon,
all warm and snuggled up in a corner..
wondering all by himself..
when will the right time be for him ?
to break free of the tiny space surrounding him..
all lonely.. and miserable..

hearing the rhythm of the river ..
flowing down the hill..
pitter, patter.. pitter.. patter..
what a lovely sound to all ears...
the sound that brings peace and tranquility..
towards the core of your heart...

The warm sun..
what a lovely sight indeed..
standing proudly..
emmitting it's bright and shining light down on earth..
covering the silhouette of stars behind it's bright light..
and darkness shrieks..
slowly dying away..

The night sky...
it reaps across the valley..
the sun slowly descended beneath the hills ..
washing the whole landscape abruptly ..
and stars started to silhouette against the night sky..
with the moon trailing far behind..
what a pretty sight for all eyes to see..
sprakly .. shinning stars..
how I wish you could shine my life ..

A leaf..
it's not PINK..
it's not RED..
it's green..
the colour of nature..
Admist of all the hardships of nature..
the leaf stays strong..
protecting the cocoon beneath it..
against all evil of nature ..

As the sun rises..
the rain stops pouring..
the trees started to spread out it's branches..
birds start chirping..
welcoming the bright sun..
the caterpillar in the cocoon had enough..
"it's time" he muttered..
he wiggled and waggled out the cocoon,
but the cocoon remains strong..
holding him back..
with every last bit of energy in him..
he pushes against the cocoon..
and finally bursts out of it..
showing off his new wings..
proudly.. and fluttered away..
where he'll begin a new life ...

My dear friend..
it's not about how anyone think of you..
it's about how you think of yourself. :)
Never ever let anyone influence you in any way..
you're like the caterpillar..
unsure. confused. puzzled.
being held back by the cocoon..
didn't have the freedom to make your own decisions..
unable to strive out...
lonely and miserable...

you are like the dark sky..
dark. unable to see a thing.
lost in your own ways..
completely nothing.
but with God,
and the supports of your friends..
we will be like the shinning stars..
guiding you out of darkness..
lightening the true path of your life..

God has given you many chances to break free..
it's not about whether or not can you break free..
but it's a matter whether do you WANT to break free?
my friend..
it's still never too late to turn back..
God allows U-turns..
Remember that.
in a tunnel where there is nothing but darkness..
at the end of the other tunnel..
there;s always light...
HOPE.. will be there..
HOPE will be there to help you
HOPE will be there to save you..

I pray that you'll start to live the life you promised me ..
and be the good girl everyone knows..

still didn't get the picture?


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